There are only a few days left to submit your feedback on the three proposed Bow River reservoir options.
Although the open houses for the conceptual assessment portion of the Bow Basin Water Management Options (BBWMO) project have concluded, Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) will accept public feedback until Thursday, October 31 at 4 p.m.
Provide your comments:
Online at
By email to
You are an important stakeholder!
As we have seen with Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir, stakeholder engagement and consultation is a critical element in getting these large infrastructure projects built.
Get your voice on record to not only help AEP select the right project but to also help see that project through to construction with as little delay as possible.

Find more information about the project online at
For additional questions, please contact the BBWMO study team at or 403-355-2491.
You can find some of the public comments online at
If you have questions or comments for us, reach us at
Your CRCAG Board