Updated City of Calgary Flood Inundation Maps
The City of Calgary has updated its flood inundation maps, which are now available on their flood information website. Please note that the inundation maps that the City has made available are NOT the flood hazard maps used for land use planning, nor will they replace the flood hazard maps used for land use planning purposes. To access the inundation maps, please visit: http://www.calgary.ca/General/flood-preparation/Pages/Understand/05-InundationMaps.aspx
Bow River Flood Mitigation – Short Term Agreement for 2015
At TransAlta Corporation’s recent Annual General Meeting, it announced that a short-term agreement with the Government of Alberta was reached to modify operations at the Ghost Reservoir.
In discussions with TransAlta, CRCAG had learned that the agreement involves holding the Ghost Reservoir at a low level during the high runoff season to provide for additional floodwater storage. Last year’s pilot resulted in the Ghost Reservoir being lowered to 1189 meters, which was estimated to reduce the peak flow of the 2013 flood (~1750 cubic meters per second (cms)) by ~100 cms This year’s modified operating level at the Ghost Reservoir will be approximately 1185 meters, which is estimated to reduce the peak flow of the 2013 flood by 400 cms.
The modified operations at the Ghost Reservoir will be in place until early July, with the possibility that the Government of Alberta begin to slowly raise the water level in late June based on assessed flood and drought risk.
For further information on this, we’ve been advised of the upcoming information session in Cochrane. Information here.
Calgary Elbow and Bow River Information Sessions – Save the date
As mentioned in our last post, CRCAG is working with the Provincial ESRD Ministry and the City of Calgary regarding information sessions for Bow River and Elbow River communities in Calgary. There will be formal presentations on topics of interest to each of these communities, though given the current transition to the new Government, there will be limitations to what can be presented. We do expect to hear about the current agreement between the Province and TransAlta that is referenced above. An agenda is being finalized now and we will send this to you as soon as we’re able.
Please save the following date of interest to you. We expect these sessions to commence at 6:30pm.
Bow River Information Session
Wednesday May 27
Foothills Academy
745 37 Street NW
Elbow River Information Session
Thursday May 28
B’nai Tikvah Temple Social Hall
900 47 Avenue SW