Correction: Public letter to CEAA attached here

May 14, 2018 by CRC Action Group in News

Draft letter to CEAA available for download


It has come to our attention that our link to the pre-populated letter to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) did not work for all recipients. We apologize for the inconvenience.


You can download the full letter by clicking here or copy-paste from below.


Public feedback can be submitted via email or post as follows:


Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir Project
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Canada Place
 9700 Jasper Avenue, Suite 1145
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4C3
Telephone: 780-495-2037


Again, thank you for your action on this. We hope to see a large number of submissions in favor of the Springbank Project, in order to make a strong impression on the CEAA.




Your CRCAG Board



Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir Project
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Canada Place
9700 Jasper Avenue, Suite 1145
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4C3
Telephone: 780-495-2037


To whom it may concern,


RE: Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir Project — Public Comments Invited


I am writing in response to the April 30, 2018, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) invitation for public comment on the Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir Project (Project), specifically with comments on its potential environmental effects and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects.


Firstly, the design of the Project is thoughtful, makes efficient use of landscape features, and minimizes the impact to the environment, landowners and Indigenous groups.


The revised March 29, 2018, Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) submission prepared by Stantec Consulting Ltd. for Alberta Transportation reflects a comprehensive and thorough assessment of potential environmental effects associated with the Project. The report is based on sound science and is prepared by experienced and highly qualified professionals. The EIS concludes that the Project is not likely to result in significant adverse residual environmental effects. The assessment includes a robust comparison of alternatives and reinforces that the Project is the best option for upstream flood mitigation on the Elbow River.


The public safety benefits of the Project clearly outweigh the interests of the relatively small number of affected landowners and Indigenous groups, whose concerns can be readily addressed with the proposed mitigation measures identified in the EIS. The public interest is best served by having the Project built and operational as soon as possible.


As we approach the five-year anniversary of the 2013 flood, we must not forget that each year there is a clear and considerable danger posed to Calgarians’ lives and property due to flooding. The Project is the only realistic flood mitigation project for the Elbow River. It is supported by all three levels of government and is urgently required to address flooding risk.


It is in the public interest that the Project regulatory review is expedited and, given the additional information that the CEAA has already requested and received from the proponent, I respectfully ask that CEAA prepare the draft Environmental Assessment Report as quickly as possible and recommend that the Minister decide that the Project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.




[insert name]