CEAA requests additional info on SR1 response package, clock paused again

July 24, 2019 by CRC Action Group in News

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) has requested additional information be added to Alberta Transportation’s June 14 response to the Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir Project (SR1) information requests.

In its July 16 letter to Alberta Transportation, CEAA cites five overarching issues that occur in the 8,000-page response.

“not all of the information provided in response to our original requests are sufficient for the purpose of moving forward with the environmental assessment.”

Additionally, CEAA has identified the specific gaps respective to each IR response, question by question.

You’ll remember CEAA’s IRs were submitted to Alberta Transportation in three parts. The CEAA has provided a “conformity review” document outlining the specific gaps for Part 1 and similar documents for Part 2 and 3 are expected shortly.

Paused, again.

Although having resumed briefly, the regulatory clock is now paused at 127 days.

The CEAA’s letter states that:

“Based on the nature of the deficiencies, the Agency has determined that a revised package of responses is required.”

Alberta Transportation is required to remedy the gaps in information before CEAA will accept its IR response package as complete.

Next steps

Once this first round of IR responses is accepted as complete, CEAA will post an acknowledgment and open up a 30-day period for public feedback.

The public feedback period will be an opportunity for interested parties to comment on what they’ve seen in the IR responses.

CEAA will use this public feedback period to identify potential questions for future IR questions (yes, there will likely be additional rounds of IRs) and to test whether stakeholders’ concerns are being addressed by the proponent’s IR responses.

Currently, there are over 1200 public submissions posted on the CEAA website; most in opposition. Click here to read through these comments.


When the time comes, we need you to submit your comments. Stand-by for our call to action coming as soon as this public comment period opens.

For now, we will wait to see how quickly Alberta Transportation responds to these additional requests from CEAA. We will keep you posted with any updates we receive on this matter.

If you have questions or comments, please reach out to us at info@crcactiongroup.com.


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