The following is a message from the Springbank Off-stream Reservoir Project Team distributed on May 31, 2023.
This construction season, an estimated 3.5 million cubic metres of fill material will be moved as part of construction of the Springbank Off-stream Dam Project. This requires the movement of 35,000 cubic metres of fill material daily.
The contractor will need to use all good weather days to complete this work. Beginning May 31, 2023, earthwork operations will proceed on a 24-hour schedule, 7 days per week, including holidays. This schedule is expected to continue for the duration of the summer and end later in fall.
Fill material from the Diversion Channel (highlighted in yellow on the map below), will be excavated, loaded onto trucks and hauled to the placement area at the Dam (highlighted in purple below). Trucks will use the temporary bridge above Highway 22 constructed to remove all impacts to public traffic using Highway 22.
Over the course of the season, work will also be advancing on various concrete structures onsite including the Diversion Inlet, Emergency Spillway, Debris Deflection Barrier, Service Spillway, Grade Control Structure, Auxiliary Spillway and two bridges. Concrete pours may be completed at night.
Noise, dust and changes to the landscape will be ongoing as this work is completed. Given the location of this project, overall impacts to the public are anticipated to be minimal; however, area residents will notice significant activity on site.
This season, to support construction, between 600 and 800 skilled construction people will be onsite, including: 200-300 earthworks labourers, 150 labourers completing civil works, 150 staff completing subcontractor specializations and 100 staff and consultants. First Nations and Indigenous groups are part of the project and include personnel in the categories mentioned above.
The site is a busy workspace and is closed to the general public. Members of the general public who choose to enter site are trespassing and are putting themselves and construction workers at risk. Please respect the work area and obey all construction signage. Thank you for your cooperation as this project continues.

Map of the SR1 Project – evacuation and placement areas to build the Dam

SR1 Project – Temporary bridge installed above Highway 22 to allow material hauling being performed without impacting the public traffic.
For any questions, please contact or the Community Liaison at
Springbank Off-stream Reservoir Project Team
Springbank Off-stream Reservoir, Major Capital Projects
Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors
Government of Alberta
SR1 will be partially operational in 2024 and fully operational in 2025.
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