Join us at the Royal Canadian Legion #1, 116 7 Ave SE on Thursday, September 19 at 7:00 p.m. (doors at 6:30 p.m.) to hear first-hand what your government is doing to protect you from future flooding.
To bring you up-to-speed on key flood mitigation initiatives for Calgary, we’ve confirmed the following speakers for our upcoming Annual General Meeting on September 19:
- Hon. MLA Ric McIver, Minister of Transportation, Government of Alberta
- Rick Blackwood, Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
- Frank Frigo, City of Calgary
Updates will be provided on the following:
- Springbank Offstream Reservoir (SR1) progress, updated timeline, next steps
- Bow River Water Management Options Project (upstream reservoir)
- Floodway mapping and Flood Development Regulations (FDR)
- Local flood mitigation projects
Additionally, at the meeting we’ll make you aware of critical milestones in the coming year and when your help will be most needed.
Your attendance at this meeting is important!
With a new provincial government in power and the fall budget currently under review, large attendance numbers are crucial to demonstrate strong support for these key flood mitigation projects.
Many dignitaries will be in attendance and significant media coverage is expected for this event. Let’s pack the room and keep fighting to protect our city!

of the 2018 CRCAG AGM
To get in touch with us before the event, reach out to
Your CRCAG Board