On Tuesday afternoon, together with Flood Free Calgary, we appeared at the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) hearing to give our opening remarks on the Springbank Offstream Reservoir (SR1) project.
If you missed it you can watch a recording on the NRCB’s YouTube channel here: Hearing day 2 (CRCAG/FFC at 5:21:30).
Our opening statement consisted of a very moving presentation from Co-Presidents Tony Morris and Brenda Leeds Binder, and Flood Free Calgary spokesperson Paul Battistella.
Our external counsel, Lou Cusano and Gino Bruni from the Torys law firm will appear to give closing argument, which could be as early as April 5, 2021.
Thank you to the entire team.

Thank-you to our members for your heartfelt stories that helped build our evidence package. It has been a long journey for us all and we thank you for your continued dedication.
And one more… thank you to all members who sent us kind messages following our appearance at the hearing; we appreciate it!
The NRCB has indicated that participants can expect a decision report to be issued within four months of the hearing close, so by mid-September 2021
Next steps
Once NRCB approval is issued, the provincial regulatory review can progress to conclusion as well as the federal process (currently finalizing the Environmental Assessment Report). Plus, supplementary applications have been filed both provincially (Water Act, Public Lands Act) and federally (Fisheries Act) that require approval before construction can commence.
Once the project is given full regulatory approval, the project will still require:
- provincial cabinet approval of project
- land acquisitions and/or expropriations
You can read our written submission on the NRCB website:
- 20210226 CRCAG and FFC SUB to NRCB hearing – submission
- 20210226 CRCAG and FFC SUB to NRCB hearing – Appendix A
- 20210226 CRCAG and FFC SUB to NRCB hearing – Appendix B
- 20210226 CRCAG and FFC SUB to NRCB hearing – Appendix C
- 20210226 CRCAG and FFC SUB to NRCB hearing – Appendix D
More information on the hearing:
Follow along with the hearing in its final stretch! If you’d like to get in touch with us, email info@crcactiongroup.com.
Your CRCAG Board