Dear CRCAG Member:
Representatives of the Resiliency and Mitigation department of the Environment and Park Ministry have asked us to forward along to you the following links, concerning their current ongoing work to understand the flood hazard risks on the Bow and Elbow river watersheds.
Of principal importance is the ongoing work to develop the “inundation maps” and the “flood hazard” maps, that are referenced in these two documents. We are monitoring how this work proceeds and its implications for Calgary and are providing input where we think appropriate. At this stage, we are not aware on any immediate concerns regarding building siting or development policies, but the information generated by these (and other) studies will inform that discussion. As you know, having input to these important policy decisions is a key mandate for CRCAG.
Please see the linked Upper Bow River Hazard Study and the Bow and Elbow River Hazard Study:
Your CRCAG Team