Federal Court Hearing – Landowners seek review panel under CEAA

May 3, 2017 by CRC Action Group in News

Hearing on landowners’ Application scheduled to resume this Friday


Earlier this month, on April 11, a federal court hearing took place to review an application, from six Springbank landowners, seeking to quash the Minister of Environment and Climate Change’s decision to not refer the Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir Project to a review panel under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA).


The initial hearing adjourned unresolved and a continuation of the hearing has been scheduled for Friday, May 5, 2017, commencing at 9:00 a.m., at the Federal Court located in the Canadian Occidental Tower, 635 Eighth Avenue S.W. in Court Room 1 on the 3rd Floor.


The Notice of Application can be accessed here.


Public are welcome to attend. The judge will be sitting in Toronto, and participants will be conferencing in from Edmonton.




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