The Impact Assessment Agency (IAA) of Canada issued the draft Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) and potential draft conditions for SR1 on January 4, 2021.
The Report concludes that, taking into account the implementation of the key mitigation and follow-up program measures, SR1 is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. The IAA also proposes 104 draft conditions.
Issuance of the Report, and its “no significant adverse effects” conclusion is a positive step forward in the federal regulatory review process for SR1.
The IAA is holding virtual information sessions on January 21 and 27, 2021 for those that wish to learn more about the draft EAR and potential conditions. Access information here.
The IAA has invited the public to comment on the draft report by February 3, 2021. CRCAG will be making a submission on behalf of our membership. Individual members are also welcome to file submissions.
Further information is available on IAAC’s website and you can read the latest SR1 updates in Transportation’s monthly e-newsletters here.
To give you a sense of the time and effort taken to progress SR1 to this important milestone, we’ve summed up the timeline to date below.

If you’d like to get in touch with us or have questions, please reach out to
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