Canmore’s Cougar Creek debris and flood retention structure has received final approval from the province and construction on the project will begin this summer.
As we said previously… See! Big upstream mitigation projects can get regulatory approval!
This approval comes just over a year after the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) review found the project to be in the public interest and issued its original approval in November 2018.

The $48.8-million project is funded by all three levels of government, including $30.3 million from the province. Provincial funding has been fully allocated for this project and the Town of Canmore is responsible for ongoing maintenance and operating costs, so there are no implications for Budget 2020.
However, that may not be the case for other upstream projects: Budget concerns for flood mitigation projects—your input is needed.
We will find out more when Alberta’s Budget 2020 is tabled on February 27.
No project is without its own delays
In early-2019 the Town of Canmore revised the project’s design to shorten the construction schedule and reduce costs. The changes prompted a revised application to the NRCB (and regulatory delay) which was approved in October 2019.
Approval from the provincial Lieutenant Governor in Council (effectively Cabinet) followed on February 12, 2020, which allowed for final regulatory approval of the project from the NRCB this month.
The project estimated to be operational by 2022.
Read the full news release from the province here.
For additional information on the project including links to key documents, visit Natural Resource Projects/Cougar Creek Debris Flood Retention Structure.
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