The Bow River Reservoir Options (BRRO) feasibility study is currently underway and is scheduled for completion by December 2023.
Below we’ve shared recent updates from Alberta Environment and Park’s (AEP) latest BRRO newsletter.

October BRRO newsletter highlights:
- Completed vegetation and wetlands surveys for the Glenbow East and Relocated Ghost Dam options.
- Completed geophysical surveys near the potential dam site for the Relocated Ghost Dam option while surveys for the potential dam site for the Glenbow East option were completed last fall.
- In Fall 2022, a meeting with property owners affected by the Glenbow East and Relocated Ghost options will be occurring.
- Reviewing all engagement comments received to date from Indigenous groups, stakeholder groups and the public.
- Launched the Bow River Alternative Mitigation (BRAM) conceptual assessment that will explore alternatives to building a new dam and reservoir (and can serve as a framework for a formal investigation into alternatives that may be required in future phases).
Read the full October newsletter here. For more BRRO resources including maps, reports, and interactive tools, visit

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