Join us virtually on Tuesday, December 15 at 6:30 p.m. to hear first-hand what your government is doing to protect you from future flooding. Official AGM notice here.

To bring you up to speed on key flood mitigation initiatives for Calgary, we’ve confirmed the following speakers:
- Hon. MLA Ric McIver, Minister of Transportation, Government of Alberta
- Hon. MLA Doug Schweitzer, Minister of Jobs, Economy, and Innovation, Government of Alberta
- Matthew Hebert, Executive Director, Transportation Policy, Government of Alberta (SR1 lead)
- Frank Frigo, Lead River Engineer, City of Calgary
Updates will be provided on the following:
- Springbank Offstream Reservoir (SR1) progress, updated timeline, next steps including the upcoming NRCB hearing
- Bow River Reservoir Options project (upstream reservoir)
- Local flood mitigation projects
The meeting will be hosted via Zoom webinar and you will need to register in advance.
Click to register for the 2020 CRCAG Annual General Meeting
No need to set up a Zoom account if you do not have one, you’ll be able to access the meeting via browser with your name.

We are accepting questions in advance for our speakers to address in their presentations, but you will also be able to ask questions at the event during the designated panel Q&A session towards the end of the meeting.
If you’d like to get in touch with us, please reach out to
Your CRCAG Board